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Vintage Christmas Decorations: Christmas at the Booth

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Last week I gave you all a tease of Christmas up at my Antique Company Mall space when I showed you my milk paint hutch.  I have the rest of my photos edited, watermarked, and ready to go now, so I can show you the whole space!

It was a major redo that I worked on over two days.  Booth makeovers like this are a great reminder of how un-glamorous this business really is–my booth might look great when I finish but I am typically sweaty, dirty, and exhausted.

I was really pleased with how my vision played out with this year’s display.

I had decided several weeks ago to use a blue and red theme, so I’ve been painting and stockpiling pieces in those colors for quite a while now.

Let’s take a visual walk-through!

vintage christmas decorations

Here is the main wall of my display, with a mix of the whimsical and elegant pieces.  There is a combination of old toys and children’s books displayed alongside silver and a few pieces of ironstone.

I love the big red rocking horse and the old child’s fire truck I found at a recent flea market. You can’t see them very well in this photo, but there is also an awesome chippy red paint ladder and banged up wooden sled as part of the display.

The milk paint hutch anchors it all and made a great focal point.  I’m just so happy with it all.

vintage christmas decorations

I found these awesome paper-doll Santas last year at Canton, and I was very surprised only one of them sold last season.

I sprinkled them throughout the display and they look so darn cute.

vintage christmas decorations

vintage christmas decorations

vintage christmas decorations

vintage christmas decorations

A few other cute vintage pieces are scattered in as well.

vintage christmas decorations

vintage christmas decorations

There’s more red, blue and green on my shelves.

vintage christmas decorations

vintage christmas decorations

vintage christmas decorations

vintage christmas decorations

vintage christmas decorations

In another corner of my space, I have a display anchored by the Flow Blue Milk Paint desk.

Christmas at the Booth

I love the vintage print of Jesus praying in the Garden, so much that I considered keeping it myself. Another lovely, old Bible displays a different aspect of Christmas.

Christmas at the Booth

I also brought back to the booth a huge, 42-piece set of stoneware I found last holiday season.  A different rustic, winter scene is featured on each type of piece–they just feel like “Thanksgiving” to me 🙂

Christmas at the Booth

Christmas at the Booth

Christmas will be here before we know it

!vintage christmas decorations

Of course, since taking these photos several items have sold, which means I need to head back up to ACM to fill in the holes and rearrange some.  Ahhh, another burden of the antique dealer–the perfect display never stays perfect for long!

I hope you enjoyed the tour . . . with this crazy cold weather about to hit us all it sure is starting to feel more like the holidays.


Virginia Hoffmann

Friday 27th of October 2023

Just wondering. I saw that you have a set of green vintage dishes. Do they actually sell? or have they sold? I have had that same set for years (well 3 years) but have not sold! I have displayed them different ways. I bring them home, take them back, back and forth. What's up?

Virginia Hoffmann

Sunday 26th of November 2023

@Melanie Alexander, thank you for responding. I put these dishes on FB Market Place and Viola! They sold!!!

Melanie Alexander

Saturday 28th of October 2023

Hi Virginia, yes! They did sell that season. Sounds like though they may not be good fit for your customer base, perhaps try moving them online or in a place like Fb marketplace?


Tuesday 18th of November 2014

I love all of your vintage treasures, you do such a good job! Featuring you tonight at Vintage Inspiration Party.


Tuesday 25th of November 2014

Thank you Betsy!

Diane | An Extraordinary Day

Tuesday 11th of November 2014

Melanie, I love your space! And you find the best items. Oh my goodness girl, you are going to sell out fast. What a good eye you have!

Thanks for sharing your booth with us at Project Inspire{d}! Wishing you extraordinary success!! :)


Wednesday 12th of November 2014

Thanks Diane! Many of my little things have already sold, I need to get out and dig some more!

chris aka monkey

Tuesday 11th of November 2014

love it angie love it... i would so love to own those green dishes they are gorgeous xx

chris aka monkey

Tuesday 11th of November 2014

melanie you have to forgive me for calling you angie ha ha i'm old and did not sleep well last nite so my brain is misfiring xx

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces

Tuesday 11th of November 2014

Your space looks lovely, Melanie...full of wonderful goodies!


Wednesday 12th of November 2014

Thank you Linda :) Now that the temperature has finally dropped here it feels appropriate to be decorating for Christmas!