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Cold Weather Specials

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Brrrr!!! It is not supposed to be this cold during November in Texas!  I am sure if you’re up north it’s much colder for you, but I’m still going to complain . . . November is usually our most pleasant month around here (it usually takes until then for the hot to go away), but we fast-forwarded through our nice 70’s right to the 30’s.  Can you tell I am not happy about it?

Well, when life gives you lemons, make lemonaide, right?  One good thing about this crazy cold weather is that it helped me score some great prices at my regular flea market yesterday.  I was one of only about 10 shoppers braving the cold, so dealers were giving lots of “Cold Weather Specials”.  Here is a little snapshot of what I came home with:

Great primitive cabinet . . .Cold Weather SpecialsIt will look fantastic with some milk paint!Cold Weather SpecialsIt has some neat original labeling on the interior doors also.Cold Weather SpecialsSome more concrete brushes . . .Cold Weather SpecialsI take the brush heads off and they make great displays for vintage postcards or photos stuck in the bristles.

A super cute mini blow-mold Santa, chippy green metal stool, and tall gray primitive basket . . .Cold Weather SpecialsI’m pretty sure I am going to keep the little Santa.  He will be so fun lit up on my kitchen counters 🙂

A few more Christmas items . . .Cold Weather SpecialsCold Weather SpecialsI am in love with these vintage pillowcase sets!  Especially the ones with the train and town scene.

Also a lovely black tole lamp . . .Cold Weather SpecialsThe arms swivel and the painting is all in wonderful condition.Cold Weather SpecialsSomething a little random–an old carriage seat turned into a bench . . .Cold Weather SpecialsI figure with some new upholstery and maybe a little paint, this could be a really neat piece!Cold Weather SpecialsAnd I saved the best for last!  My favorite cold weather special is this old blue-painted mantle, salvaged from a New Orleans home.Cold Weather SpecialsIt’s caked with dirt and so needs a good wipe down, but I am so excited to get it up to my space!Cold Weather SpecialsSo the lesson is, don’t let this crazy cold weather keep you from going out hunting!  Put on some extra layers, drop some foot warmers in your shoes, and get ready to get some great cold weather specials 🙂

Remember–only one more day to enter the 1st Friday Etsy Feature Giveaway from Hogg Barn Antiques!!  

Stay warm everyone!


Kelly Evans

Wednesday 19th of November 2014

I LOVE seeing the treasures you bring home! Don't forget to post pics of your shop after you add your new finds!


Tuesday 25th of November 2014

Thank you Kelly :)

chris aka monkey

Saturday 15th of November 2014

i am trying to think how i can ask this politely how much would i expect to pay for treasures like this? thanks


Sunday 16th of November 2014

Depends on which treasures :) Anything specifically that you are interested in? Most of the things (with exception of the mantle) I could easily ship. Feel free to email me if there's something you want more info on. Stay warm today!!