1st Friday Etsy Shop Feature and Giveaway

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It’s time for another 1st Friday Etsy Shop Feature!

etsy feature tag

Have you ever shopped on Etsy?  It is a fantastic place!  I love the convenience of hunting online for certain unique and creative items, and Etsy is full of them!  Etsy shops are limited to selling items that fall into one of three categories:  handmade, vintage, or craft supplies. Since it’s “opening” in 2005, Etsy has grown into a viable marketplace for the small business owner, and has become the go-to shopping destination for many people searching for that perfect item to finish out their collection or craft project.

I love small businesses (I am one myself!), so I thought showcasing some of my favorite Etsy shops would be a fun way to support other small businesses and share more great finds with Lost & Found’s readers.

Our feature shop for November is another Texas based shop, Hogg Barn Antiques.


Hogg Barn is run by Shannon and her husband Stuart.  Here is a little bit more about their shop, in Shannon’s own words:

I have long been a collector of the well worn yet loved for as far back as I can remember. Having grandparents that were once antiques dealers, my life was spent surrounded by the curious items that were collected with their unique stories and the wonderful places that the “HUNT” takes you. Located just outside of Austin, in the tiny Texas town of San Marcos, Hogg Barn Antiques was created with my husband out of our love for the eclectic treasures that we have enjoyed picking and the desire to share these fabulous finds with you. You will also find handmade items in the shop crafted by myself or my husband. He enjoys woodworking and repurposing of oddities found along the way, while I am a mixed media artist, crafter, photographer and enjoy designing. Our namesake is in honor of my sweet late grandmother, “Ms.” Hogg, who lived her life with an immeasurable grace and who instilled in me a passion, appreciation and love for all things.

I first found Shannon and Stuart’s shop while hunting for ironstone pieces on Etsy. They have a well-stocked inventory of beautiful, antique white ironstone pieces, like this milk jug.


They also have several beautiful flow blue plates, which you know are dear to my heart 🙂


One reason I enjoy looking through Hogg Barn’s shop is because their photography is very well done.  Their inventory is artfully displayed, which helps give the customer an idea of how to use the item in their own decor.


And for the holidays, Shannon and Stuart have stocked several handmade items, including some really fun banners.


There are also gifts tags, ornaments, and cute flocked miniature bottle brush trees . . . so many beautiful things to look through!

As a part of this feature, Hogg Barn Antiques has generously offered a 15% discount to Lost & Found readers valid through the month of November, using the promo code WELCOME15. That means it’s time to get started on your holiday decorating!

Also, Shannon and Stuart wanted to offer this adorable wooden tote box as a giveaway to my readers!


To help get us more into the holiday spirit, I will also throw in one of my Thanksgiving vintage postcard banners as part of the giveaway.  Are you ready to enter?

Here is how you can enter, for a total of 4 entries per person:

1.  Visit Hogg Barn Antiques on Etsy, and take a minute to browse through their collection.  Leave a comment on THIS post telling me what you liked.

2.  Follow Lost & Found by either email, RSS feed, Facebook, or Pinterest, and leave a comment on THIS post telling me how you follow.

3.  Like Hogg Barn Antiques on Facebook (click here), and leave a comment on THIS post telling me that you liked.

3.  Share this giveaway on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Pinterest and leave a comment on THIS post telling me how you shared.

The giveaway will end midnight,  November 16th and is open to residents of the United States 18 years and older. Good luck!


Wendy R.

Sunday 16th of November 2014

Shared on twitter: https://twitter.com/ArtsyChaos/status/534121688556773377

Wendy R.

Sunday 16th of November 2014

Oh how I love vintage and antiques! In the shop, I like the Vintage White Green Ironstone Cream And Sugar Set.

Tracy C

Sunday 16th of November 2014

I also follow Lost and Found on FB, Pinterest, and Email. ;)

Tracy C

Sunday 16th of November 2014

I am following Hogg Barn Antiques via FB

Tracy C

Sunday 16th of November 2014

I love the Antique Vintage Cherub statue.

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