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To Market, To Market

Sharing is caring!

Hello everybody!  Wondering where I’ve been? Well, at the end of last week my laptop died, and I just got it back from the repair shop today.  Yes, I know there are other working computers out there to use, but you’re looking at a creature of habit here!  I just wasn’t able to get excited about heading out to the library or figuring out my way around my husband’s work PC, so I just ended up taking a break for a few days . . . which didn’t turn out to be such a bad thing 🙂

Now that my laptop is back up and working though I have lots of projects to share with you all in the coming weeks.  My plate has been extra full lately because I am preparing for my first ever weekend market. 10917033_406823342775843_2433335126883391153_nI will be a vendor at the upcoming Dallas-McKinney Vintage Market Days, and I am really looking forward to it.

BUT, since this is my first time doing a “mobile” event, I have a lot of things to figure out.  It will be indoors, so I don’t need a tent, but do I need something to function as walls. Should I hunt down some pallets and build a few wall structures?  Or maybe use some old doors?

via Pinterest

via Pinterest

What will the access to the ceiling be like? I have a fabric rag banner I am making to dress up my space, but I’m not sure how I will be able to hang it . . . ?

I’m going to set up a Fusion paint display as well, and I have a few posters as well as a color chart to use.  How can I display those though?  Do I need to go get some easels?

I’m trying my best to get all of these things figured out in advance, but there’s only so much planning I can do without seeing my actual space!

I have been able to move forward on some marketing plans for Lost & Found.  Denise from The Pink Postcard has a great post on how she prepares for her markets, and I learned several marketing tips from her.


The Pink Postcard

I have purchased my own craft bags and personalized sticker to put on each bag, so that as customers walk around the market my logo and Fusion’s logo will be freely “advertised.”  I’m trying to balance the whole “spend money to make money” philosophy with my usual extreme frugality . . . so it was hard to splurge on those bags and stickers.  But I think in the end it will be money well spent.

So what will I have for sale there?  Well, I have been holding onto a few items here and there that I have found recently, and I am likely to go steal a few things from my ACM booth space as well.  I know I can fill in with little things as the market gets closer, so right now my planning has centered on picking my main furniture pieces I will sell there.

My Fusion painted china cabinet will be at the market, DSC05208as well as the finished version of this dresser I showed you last week.DSC05167I have another desk/vanity in process as well (sorry for the bad iphone picture).IMG_4425There may be one or two other small pieces, but we’ll see once it gets closer.  I still have to keep my ACM booth stocked as well though, so I have other projects in the works for that space!

If you have any market suggestions, I would love to hear them.  I am hoping it will be a great opportunity to meet and interact with more customers, as well as promote Fusion Mineral Paint. I’m hoping I don’t go too crazy in the weeks coming up though as I prepare!

Before I head out, I need to announce the winner of April’s Feature Etsy Shop GIveaway from French Vintage Home, and that is Kelly E. Yay Kelly! Be on the lookout for an email from me requesting you mailing address.

Thank you so much to all of you who visited French Vintage Home and entered the giveaway. I am having so much fun featuring these shops every month, I hope you are enjoying it as much as I do!


10 Ways to Develop Your Home Based Business This Year | Lost & Found

Tuesday 12th of January 2016

[…] past year I tried selling my items at weekend markets for the first time, and also launched a whole new area of business by becoming a Fusion Mineral […]


Monday 20th of April 2015

Sounds like fun! I'm sure that whatever you come up with, it will be fab!

chris aka monkey

Thursday 16th of April 2015

i am not a vendor so this is my only advice just be yourself the nice sweet mel we all know and love and you will be a big hit congratulations kelly xx