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It All Started with the Antique Booth

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This February marks 4 years since I started Lost & Found.




The anniversary is easy to remember, because I moved into my booth space at Antique Company Mall just a few months before my third son was born (kinda nuts, I know!) So every year that he gets older, so does my business.

My little jacuzzi tub-sized booth space at the antique mall is where Lost & Found all started (you can read more about the story of my business star-up here, if you like).  The furniture, the blog, and the paint all came a little later. At first it was just about junk.




It’s a little crazy to think I have been doing this for four years now . . .  Time really does pass quicker the older you get.  These days the weeks and months tend to fly by, does anybody else feel that way?




I don’t spend quite as much time up at my booth space as I used to, mainly because the blog and custom paint work require more of my time these days. But even with that said, my booth is still the main part of my business. A lot of work goes into shopping for things, cleaning and tagging items, hauling them up to my space, and then putting them together in a compelling display.




So yes, it’s work, but fun work. It’s creative work and work that helps me meet lots of new people and hear lots of new stories.




I have a friend who was recently shopping with me at one of my favorite flea markets, and she commented that my business is basically shopping 🙂  It’s true, being an antique dealer gives me a great reason to always be shopping!




I get to enjoy owning these wonderful pieces for a short period of time.  Even if they aren’t being used in my own home, there is still the fun of styling them in my booth space. It’s kind of like a grown-up doll house 🙂




What will my business look like in 4 more years? I have no idea . . . I’m not even sure exactly what it will look like in one year!  But no matter where Lost & Found heads, I will always love hunting down great “junk.”

If you’re interested in starting your own antique booth business, you can check out this post here, where I share my tips for the aspiring antique dealer.

Reminder, there is still time to link up your furniture-themed posts to this week Friday’s Furniture Fix Link Party! Click here to go to the party and access the link-up.



Christmas Stencil Project with Funky Junk Old Sign Stencils | Lost & Found

Wednesday 30th of November 2016

[…] is typically not a big selling season for Lost & Found, especially where my antique booth is concerned. For whatever reason, I have never really been able to harness the power of the […]

Antiques The Story Behind the Stuff

Wednesday 27th of April 2016

[…] all started with my antique booth though, and even though I don’t put as much time into that aspect of my business as I used […]

chris aka monkey

Monday 15th of February 2016

happy happy joy joy xx


Monday 15th of February 2016



Monday 15th of February 2016

We started at the EXACT same time! February 2012! So funny and yes, how time flies! Best of luck to you in the future!


Monday 15th of February 2016

Wow! That is kind of crazy Suzanne. It makes me feel way behind too! You seem to have mastered more of this business than I have :)


Sunday 14th of February 2016

Melanie...oh yes, I feel that way for sure! Time flies way too fast these days! I am with you, the older I get, the more time flies! My kids don't feel that way, they think things take "forever"! Ha! I remember feeling that way too as a child.

I have said it before here and I will say it again...I love you blog and seeing your sweet booth and all the neat things you do! It is really an inspiration.

I am slowly but surely getting there to getting my own blog up, and the other day I went down to our local antique mall and inquired about booth spaces. They didn't have any available yet, but I put my name down on a waiting list and they told me that usually some become available in a few weeks. That is ok by me, I still have plenty to do to get ready and like you did...I am starting out small, with the smallest booth they have and go from there. I have taken your tips into consideration and they are ever so helpful! I have read that post about 3 times now!

I am so giddy with excitement (like a little kid) about this new adventure for me. I have prayed and prayed about it and I know it is the direction I need to go in.

That is so true about what your friend said about your business is shopping. Just yesterday when I was out "shopping" at thrift stores and local garage sales, I came upon many pieces and said to myself, "I can do something with this and it would be great in the booth." It is such a wonderful adventure to go junking!

I hope one day to make it down to your part of Texas and visit the ACM. Looks like a sweet store! I still plan to get your e-book and am excited about that...just have to wait til pay-day rolls around! :) Thanks again for your inspiration! I hope you have a great Valentine's Day! Enjoy!


Monday 15th of February 2016

Yay Kim! I hope a spot opens up for you soon. Take it slow, learn as you go, and have fun!!