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Luckett’s Green Milk Paint Chest of Drawers

Sharing is caring!

I promised you all in my last post some “after” photos of this cute little chest I recently bought.


It was a Craigslist find, and in really good shape.  I love the 4-drawer size too, it’s just kind of petite and fits well into most any space.  A few days before I found it online, I bought another packet of Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint (Luckett’s Green).


I think this is my favorite green to work with, although I will say I have found it to be the most finicky of the milk paints I have tried.  Very easily it will yellow on you . . .  so you have to keep mixing and mixing while you’re painting, and avoid using the last bit of mixed paint you have because it always seems to be very yellow.

I wanted this piece to be chippy, so I didn’t sand or prep the wood in any way, other than wiping off the dust.  I taped off the top with some Frog Tape and went to work.


Everything was progressing along nicely, until my paint started turning yellow.  I wound up having to re-mix some new paint and re-paint a few spots that were looking more mustard than green.  So, it took a little more time than what I had hoped . . . But still, the whole process took less than a day.

After the second (or third in some spots!) coat of milk paint dried, I scraped off the chipped parts and covered the base with Plaster Paint Paste Wax (I am still in LOVE with this wax by the way!!). The only thing I did to the top was wipe it down with some mineral oil and vinegar mix (read more about that here) to help restore some of the luster of the finish.  The great set of vintage pulls went back on and here is the “after”:

Green Milk Paint Chest of Drawers

The chipping on this piece was perfect! Not too overwhelming, just enough to add some depth and interest.

Green Milk Paint Chest of Drawers

Isn’t this a great green color?

Green Milk Paint Chest of Drawers

It contrasts so well with the stained wood top.


It’s so cute with it’s pretty little legs.



Like I said earlier, it’s the perfect size to sneak into any corner in your home.


Another fun adventure with milk paint!


Dawn @ We Call It

Monday 9th of June 2014

I came back to tell you I'm featuring this at the History & Home link party tomorrow


Monday 9th of June 2014

Fantastic! Thank you Dawn, and thanks for letting me know :)

Diane | An Extraordinary Day

Friday 6th of June 2014

Melanie...every time I read about one of your furniture makeovers you give me confidence to try something new. I just might give that milk paint a try.

Thanks for sharing your amazing makeover with us at Project Inspire{d}!


Monday 9th of June 2014

Thank you Diane, and you should try it out!

Dawn @ We Call It

Friday 6th of June 2014

Wow, Melanie, this turned out beautifully! I love the color, and that you left the top natural. Perfect amount of chippiness, too. Wish I had room for it and you were closer, ha ha! Thank you for joining the History & Home link party. -Dawn @ We Call It


Monday 9th of June 2014

Thank you Dawn, wish you were closer too :) I always like a quick sale--haha.

Darrielle Tennenbaum

Wednesday 4th of June 2014

So pretty--I love Lucketts Green


Monday 9th of June 2014

If I remember correctly Darrielle you did a great chest in Luckett's Green recently . . . ? Do you have issues with it yellowing?


Wednesday 4th of June 2014

Really lovely! I have had the same trouble with the Luckett's (and the Boxwood too) being a finicky color, and have all but given up using it on dressers these days. I tend to save it for small things instead. But your gorgeous dresser makes me tempted to try again.


Monday 9th of June 2014

Thanks for the tip about the Boxwood Quandie. Must be something with the mix of pigments to make the green . . .