1st Friday Etsy Feature Shop & Giveaway!

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Happy Friday everyone!  For our family is this a very Good Friday, as we celebrate Easter and the finished work of Jesus on the cross.  I hope you all take some time today to think on the blessings of Easter.

Another great thing about today is that it’s time for April’s 1st Friday Etsy Feature Shop!etsy-feature-tagLet me introduce you to Audrey, owner of French Vintage Homeiusb_760x100.11737070_nre4I was excited to find Audrey and her shop because she offers truly unique items picked directly from France.  Here is a little more about French Vintage Home, in Audrey’s own words:

I am an American who lives half the year in Southwest France and half the year in Dallas, Texas. I buy all my French Vintage Home shop items in France and ship them, in bulk, to Dallas where they are shipped to the customer. Everything is vintage and I take great care to sell only things in good condition and all fabric items are professionally laundered so they can be used immediately. For many years I owned a company called Audrey Table Linens and we sold our product to all the best retailers in the States. I love to set beautiful tables and my items reflect that.

Doesn’t that sound like Audrey lives a wonderful life?  Who of us would not want to spend half of each year hunting down vintage treasures in the French countryside . . .?

Being a Dallas area local, I loved Audrey’s idea of bringing authentic french vintage to Texas.

Here is a preview of some of French Vintage Home’s beautiful inventory:il_570xN.742707610_k7ibDecorative trinkets, like this antique powder box,il_570xN.563306781_j3z6and these antique monogrammed linens–just one item from her extensive linen selection!il_570xN.747378612_18a6I’m fond of this mail slot, in all of its rusty glory!

And look at these incredible French children’s items . . .il_570xN.673136108_jjkhWhat a precious vintage little girl dress!  il_570xN.632967847_38wcAnd this handmade dollhouse furniture set is absolutely amazing.

So much more to see at French Vintage Home, so why not take advantage of Audrey’s 10% discount she is offering to all Lost & Found readers through the month of April!  Just use the promo code SKYEDOG15 when checking out.

Also, today you can enter to win this authentic, French cafe au lait bowl offered by French Vintage Home! il_570xN.703205807_38tr Check out the Rafflecopter below for how to enter–this one I’m keeping very simple 🙂

The giveaway is open to residents of the US, age 18 and older.  Good luck and thanks for visiting French Vintage Home today!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Linking up to:  Silver Pennies Sundays


Saturday 4th of April 2015

Love the nightstand and I LOVE the color. I am so pleased with the pieces I have completed with the Fusion Mineral paint...it's so quick and so EASY! I can hardly wait to work on more! Also thanks for featuring this new Etsy shop. I'm loving all the French items and she certainly has many to choose from. Thanks for sharing!


Saturday 11th of April 2015

Thank you Susan :) The little nightstand looks perfect in my boys' room.


Friday 3rd of April 2015

Thank you again for the chance. As a potter, I'm in love with the cafe au lait bowl.


Saturday 11th of April 2015

I hope you win in Teresa!

chris aka monkey

Friday 3rd of April 2015

oh my mel you did it again i love this shop and i just texted my daughter at the store to buy me a lotto ticket so if i win i can go back and buy all of her stuff and have you shipped me furniture wow i would have a gorgeous house xx


Friday 3rd of April 2015

Haha Chris! I hope you win the bowl, and the lottery too for that matter :)

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