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Selling Out, in a Good Way

Sharing is caring!

I’m having a hard time keeping up lately . . . That’s probably normal for the summertime, but it’s been extra crazy lately.  Furniture is flying out of my ACM booth space faster than I can replenish it.

Since April, I have sold 10 pieces of furniture.  There have been a couple of chest of drawers,

make money repainting furniture

two desks,

make money repainting furniture

two dining sets,

make money repainting furniture

and even an entire French Provincial bedroom set.

make money repainting furniture

Most of the furniture has been pieces I’ve made over, but there’s been a few “found” pieces also.

make money repainting furniture

Since April, only once piece I have made over is still available for sale.  This is a new phenomena for me, and I’m not sure exactly what to credit the high sales to.

Maybe it’s the recent uptick in the economy?  Or maybe it’s the hight traffic of the summer season?

I can’t control either of those things though, so I’ll focus on what I can control as I keep working my own system to make money repainting furniture. 

Here are my takeaways from this recent selling surge:

1.  Continue offering customers a variety of colors and styles in my made-over furniture.

2.  Promote my pieces in a variety of ways–on the blog, Craigslist, Facebook, etc.

3.  Work on keeping at least one piece “on deck,” so that I can quickly fill a hole in my booth.

4.  Set aside profits from this boom to cover for future droughts in sales.

How about you?  How have your sales been?  I would love to hear about the market in your area, what are you seeing sell and what isn’t.  What adjustments have you been making to your business based upon what’s selling?

In the meantime, I have 3 big projects to finish and get up to my space!




(This one is actually already finished 🙂  Stay tuned for makeover pics).

Hope you all are enjoying some profitable months too.  I feel very blessed, but I’m tired!

Karen McDonald

Saturday 2nd of August 2014

Do you have any pieces left to purchase? If so, I would love to see them!!! I am so happy for you and happy that God has provided you with the opportunity to share your talent with all of us!!!


Saturday 2nd of August 2014

Thank you Karen :) I appreciate that so much. I only have one piece at the moment, you can see it on my For Sale page, it's a blue chest of drawers. I also have a white, full-size iron bed, and I will have another small chest of drawers finished up in the next few days.


Wednesday 30th of July 2014

Lovely pieces, I understand why they sold! How exciting for you. Love the new pieces you have to work on...I look forward to seeing them done!

Barbara Ann

Tuesday 29th of July 2014

Lucky you and your good fortune. I too got a upswing in sales and I hope it continues. But in your up coming project's I too have that french provincial high boy. I am stumped on what to do with it other than the usual shades of white. I wanna go out of the box. I'm thinking a sunny Tuscan yellow? Care to share thoughts or ideas? Barbara Ann