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Expanding the Business

Sharing is caring!

It’s been an interesting summer, in many ways for my family, but especially with regards to my business.  Expanding the BusinessNew and different opportunities continue to open up.

I have been offered quite a bit of custom work.  Friends and others have asked me if I can paint their pieces, and I’ve said “Sure”!Expanding the BusinessMy friend, and site sponsor Jen, who owns her own homemade, organic personal care product line, asked me if I could do some work for her website. She was so pleased with the photos I took for the Wholemade giveaway we did back in March, she wanted me to take photos of her whole product line for the site.  I said, “Sure!”Expanding the BusinessMost recently, I was contacted by an online store and asked about submitting some guest blog posts.  I said, “Sure!”

And lastly, I was offered a spot as a dealer at a great new market.

I said “Sure! But not this time . . .”  Their upcoming November dates just don’t work on my calendar, so I’m hoping to work with them in their Spring 2015 show.

I guess that’s the nature of having your own small business–as long as I have the time, skill, and resources to pull it off, I’m going to continue trying new things.  Really, I’m just along for the ride 🙂


Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces

Saturday 23rd of August 2014

It's always fun to try new are constantly evolving!

Mother Soph

Saturday 23rd of August 2014

Way to go girl!!!! It is so good to see your vision and opportunities. Rewards for your hard work are paying off. Perseverance is what it takes in all things in life.

Love and encouragement are being sent your way. :-)

Laura Lennox

Friday 22nd of August 2014

Good for you! It's nice to see good work be rewarded!