Christmas Wishes and New Year Dreams

Sharing is caring!

Hello dear friends!

I am sending along with this post the warmest of Christmas wishes for you and all of your loved ones.



Wherever the year has taken you, my hope is that you can spend some time resting in the Joy and Hope of the Season.



I hope you can delight in the little bits of magic that are sprinkled throughout this time of year, no matter what your age is 🙂



Thank you so very much for following along with me this year! I truly am humbled by everyone who takes the time to follow and read this blog.



So a Very Merry Christmas, from my family to yours.



For our family, 2016 was a year both of great growth and humbling challenges. I’ve learned that is often how it goes though–you know those “growing pains” everyone always talks about? Yep, I think they’re real.

There were major shifts in my business, along with changes in the routines and norms of our family life. I thrive on structure and routine, so it’s been a little tough having to figure out new ways to order our time.

My boys are getting older, which has fundamentally changed the way they interact with each other along with my husband and myself.



And for the first time in my life as a mom, I have extra the responsibilities of running a small business to balance with all the normal family stuff.

Don’t get me wrong–I am so very grateful for the way Lost & Found has grown and for my ability to run my own business out of my home!

The fact that it has grown into a real business though kinda snuck up on me and threw me for a little bit of a loop

I took some time off from blogging this summer to try and wrestle through how to manage my time in a way that was effective and appropriate for the needs of my family–I didn’t get it all 100% figured out over that break, but I did make some progress.

So my biggest dream for the new year is to grow more comfortable and capable in this new role as Bigger Kid Mom and Small Business Owner.

I want to be confident in myself again, which is something I really feel like I lost in 2016.

I want to have my head on straight and to not always feel like I’m two steps behind where I need to be–and to also adjust my expectations of what I can reasonably accomplish with all the new demands of this stage of life.



I have dreams for projects in my home as well– like finally finishing up the world’s longest DIY kitchen renovation, for starters!  I also have a “Nothing” room in my home that needs a new look and a new purpose.

Lastly, I’m hoping to add a little more curb appeal to the exterior of our home with some architectural projects.

As for Lost & Found, I am still longing for a little shop of my own.  There are many more things in my business I would like to do that require my own space.

I don’t know if this year is the right time to make that move or not . . . But I’m keeping my eyes open for opportunities that may pop up.



While waiting for a space of my own, I have big plans to makeover the display area in my current, rented booth location.

I want to give all of the Fusion Mineral Paint products more area to shine and have room for more displays that show all the extra finishes and techniques.  I’ve even put together a schedule for a special “Color of the Month” display, which I think will be a fun way to show off individual colors.


So what about you?


There is always a balance between making plans and living in the moment–neither can be completely adopted successfully.  There are bound to be changes and events that come in 2017 that you and I don’t see coming.

But even knowing that, there is still a pull towards taking the opportunity to start off the new year fresh, spurred on by goals and dreams.

Do you feel it?

What are your dreams for this new year? 

Where is your heart and mind headed as you think about the start of 2017?

I would love to hear! And thanks so much for taking the time to walk through my dreams with me.







Friday 23rd of December 2016

Merry Christmas Melanie! I'm with you, I also have a couple of the world's longest DIY projects going on at my house. I like your idea of 'adjusting' my expectations ;-) I wish you lots of continued success in 2017!


Friday 23rd of December 2016

Merry Christmas Melanie! I'm with you, I also have a couple of the world's longest DIY projects going on at my house. I like your idea of 'adjusting' my expectations ;-) I wish you lots of continued success in 2017!


Thursday 22nd of December 2016

Merry Christmas Melanie and all the best in 2017. Thanks for sharing and most important for being "real"......

~ Wendy Jamieson ~ Easy Peasy Paint & Décor


Thursday 22nd of December 2016

Merry Christmas Melanie and all the best in 2017. Thanks for sharing and most important for being "real"......

~ Wendy Jamieson ~ Easy Peasy Paint & Décor

Jill Pontiere PO Box 560733 Orlando, Fl 32856-0733

Thursday 22nd of December 2016

A very Merry Christmas! 2017 for me, at the young age of 68, means more balance. More travel. Cleaning the clutter from my home, which is an ongoing process and volunteering more in my community. At the top of the list is more time with family and friends. Every year brings me joy and challenges and I am just grateful for being on this side of the grass to embrace every second of my life.