Changing it Up

Sharing is caring!

I am at battle with the Mountain Cedar trees of Central Texas, at least that is what the news tells me.  This past week has been one long, continuous sneeze, and I have heard that it’s a result of strong winds blowing the cedar pollen into our Dallas area.  Yuck.  I’m tired of it.

Despite feeling pretty crummy, I was able to finish up a furniture project and make it out to a few estate sales. My booth space up at ACM was in desperate need of a fresh look, so it was good to find some new inventory.


The cane-top table and chair set was quite a project, but came out nicely.  The table and chairs each got a coat of Maison Blanche Sugar Cane and were antiqued with dark wax.  I recovered the seats in natural linen and left the top of the table and back of each chair stained to give it some contrast.


Here are their “before’s”



They weren’t a set but fit together so well.  I was ecstatic to find the chairs at an estate sale, anything cane is hard to come by in this area.

Speaking of cane, I also found an adorable child-sized cane rocking chair and small cane-top table at a local flea market.  You can see them peeking out from under the table on the bottom left of the photo.


It’s quite a collection of cane! I love it though.

I also found an awesome church pew.  It anchors another section in my booth that is “wedding” themed.


I really wish I could keep it, but just don’t have the room in my house.  Underneath the pew is an awesome loooong crate that came out of an estate sale attic.  It would make an amazing planter.

The green drawer, milk bottles, and cotton were also weekend finds, as well as someone’s old Sunday School Bible.  They made a great display together.


I am a sucker for vintage artwork and found quite a bit of that also. These three tiny house prints are my favorites.


And with February right around the corner, I threw in a few vintage Valentine’s postcard banners for good measure.


That Mountain Cedar took most of my energy, but I had just enough left to freshen up the space a bit.

Hope you like it.

Elizabeth and Co.
All Things Thursday Blog Hop

213th Power of Paint Party! - Domestically Speaking

Wednesday 29th of January 2014

[…] #8 ~ cane top table and chairs from Lost & Found […]

Domestically Speaking

Tuesday 28th of January 2014

What a beautiful set and I love it all creamy white! I'm featuring it in this week's Power of Paint Party. Thanks for linking up.


Sunday 26th of January 2014

You did a terrific job on the table and chairs. The set is just beautiful. Ann Marie @ Iris Abbey


Sunday 26th of January 2014

Thank you Ann Marie. They were a labor of love. And thank you for stopping by!


Friday 24th of January 2014

Lovely set; I'm a sucker for caning. And sympathy with the tree allergies! On a trip to visit family in Florida, I found my eyes and nose itching and running non-stop--a new experience. A story on the local news solved the mystery: imported Brazilian pepper trees, which were triggering many allergic reactions. The neighborhood was "peppered" with them. Ugh! Sorry about the mt cedars. You managed to do beautiful work anyway.


Friday 24th of January 2014

Thank you Gilliane! That makes me chuckle about the pepper trees in Florida...hope you were able to still enjoy your trip through all tr sneezes.


Thursday 23rd of January 2014

The tables and chairs are simply fabulous. I love cane furniture! I would love for you to share this fabulous post at our WIW Linky party. I hope you can join us!

Paula Ivy & Elephants


Thursday 23rd of January 2014

Thank you Paula, and thanks for stopping by Lost & Found. I will share at WIW this week!