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The Wallpaper from You Know Where . . .

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I wanted to give everyone an update on one my DIY projects–making over my upstairs boys’ bathroom. Remember this lovely floral wallpaper?DSC04343

Well, it must be straight from the pit of, well . . . you know.

All three of the bathrooms in our house had wallpaper when we moved in.  Removing the wallpaper from the first two bathrooms was super easy, it pulled right off in long sheets.  But this one?  Ughh.  It has been holding on with everything it has.

Now, I appreciate all of you right now who are wanting to comment with some helpful wallpaper removal tips, but trust me, I’ve tried them all.  And I’m not a novice wallpaper remover–my husband and I took wallpaper off of basically every room in our first house!  This stuff is just bad though, really, really, badDSC05055

It keeps pulling off the top layer of the drywall with it, which means lots of patch jobs before I can paint. 


Just look at how it’s mocking me!


I’ve been working on this on and off for 3 weeks now.  Earlier this week I finally got about 95% of the paper off the walls in the vanity area, and was able to patch the ripped drywall spots and sand.


The walls still need a little bit more prep before I can start to paint, but I’m getting close 🙂

So if you don’t remember, here is my inspiration photo for the look I’m going for:

Lisa Gabrielson Design

Lisa Gabrielson Design

I’ve already purchased several other renovation items that will work well for this look.  I found a nice light fixture on clearance at Home Depot


as well as an inexpensive faucet


I’m excited about the one-handle faucet for my boys–they just aren’t able to get the hot and cold water mixed right on the two-handled faucets.  Do anybody else’s kids have that problem?

My plan for the vanity base is to paint a dark blue from Fusion Mineral Paint. I am really looking forward to trying out the Fusion on cabinets, I have read great reviews about it

As for the vanity top, I haven’t quite figured out that step yet!

So, that’s where I’m at.  I have company coming in town at the end of March, and I’m hoping to have the bathroom mostly finished by then.  It may take me longer to put the finishing decorative touches on the space, but I’m hoping to at least have it functional.

Best wishes to you for all of your DIY projects!


Cynthia - Clockwork Interiors

Sunday 15th of March 2015

Can't wait to see the finished project! If you have any tips on removing wallpaper glue AFTER the walls have been painted, I'd love to hear them! p.s. can't wait to try Fusion paint !


Tuesday 17th of March 2015

Oh man, I wish I did Cynthia! That sounds like a real mess.

Dorene @ Seasonal Chapters

Sunday 15th of March 2015

I feel your pain...we had a lot of wallpaper to remove from the bathrooms when we moved into our home. It was a long and frustrating job, but it was worth the effort in the end. I can't wait to see your final result...I'm sure it will be amazing and your hard work will pay off and make you smile each time you walk past the room.


Tuesday 17th of March 2015

I'm banking on that Dorene, although right now I'm wondering if that day will ever come!


Saturday 14th of March 2015

The payoff will be worth it! And yes the 2 handled faucets look pretty, but not practical for kids. Love your choices.


Tuesday 17th of March 2015

Thank you Tracy!

chris aka monkey

Saturday 14th of March 2015

removing wallpaper has to be on the top ten list of projects from you know where i am still working on my teeny bath trying to get wallpaper off too xx


Tuesday 17th of March 2015

i wish we could combine our efforts Chris! I'll come help you if you'll help me :)

Susie @ The Chelsea Project Blog

Saturday 14th of March 2015

Mel...Mel....Mel...I feel for ya, girl. Hang in there....I can see the finish line from here.. :-) Suz


Tuesday 17th of March 2015

I'm trying! This may be the end of my room renovating for awhile though!