The workshop videos are divided up into segments, starting with basic information and prep, then moving through paint techniques and finishes. Feel free to move through the information at your own pace!
This is the exact same workshop I teach to my local customers. So I’m excited to share it with you as well
You may choose to just watch the videos and use them as a training and informational reference, or practice along with me using the actual products I use in the video.
Here is a comprehensive list of MMS Milk Paint Products used in these videos:
You can find these products online at
Additional materials you will need to practice the techniques:
Please feel free to use MMS Milk products and/or materials you may already have on hand, or shop for the products that interest you a la carte in my online shop.
For your convenience, here are shopping links for additional products I mention in the videos or that may be useful for your future projects:
While Melanie Alexander is a certified Miss Mustard Seed Workshop Leader, all views and opinions expressed in these videos are Melanie’s alone.
Sharing, copying and/or transcribing of this content in any way other than for your personal use without written permission is prohibited. © Lost & Found, All rights reserved.