Finishing and Trade Days Round-up

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I finished my race!  This past Sunday, October 13th was the Tyler Rose Marathon and I was one of the 179 runners to finish the race.  Man, it was . . . tough.  Tougher than I had expected.  The weather was warm and muggy, and those East Texas hills did me in.  I didn’t meet my goal time, but I did finish, which is still a major accomplishment.  Here I am in the final steps to the finish line.


Yep, I beat that man behind me!

I had a good running friend tell me that after a major race your immune system is really down, so promptly 48 hours after the race I picked up my youngest’s cold.  Ughh. I’m coughing as I type.  But as those of you with little ones know, things don’t really stop when mom gets sick! So I am plowing through with the help of green tea, lots of kleenex, and extra coffee.

Despite feeling yuck, I did manage to make it up to the McKinney Trade Days market this morning.  I’ll share a few quick photos of my finds.


This pile of porch trim was a great find.  I’m not sure yet if I’ll sell it in individual pieces, or use it to add some architectural flair to my booth space.


I loved these mid-century painted metal wall hangings.  It’s hard to tell in the photo, but they are large, almost 2 feet tall.  They would make a fantastic statement on someone’s bathroom wall, or on a garden porch.


I grabbed a few “smalls” too, as they are called in this business.  I always love vintage tins, an the roses on this one were so bright and happy.  The three plates have great fall colors in them and will work well in my Thanksgiving display at the shop.  But my favorite by far is the small enamel pitcher.


It is so cute and dainty, but that pop of red trim adds a little flair.

By far though, my best find of the morning was this antique pull cart.


It was hiding under a table, and when I asked the dealer she told me it was a goat cart.  She quoted me a fantastic price and I jumped on it immediately.  I had to leave it in her spot while I finished shopping, and several more people asked about it while I was gone.  The early bird gets the worm!


It has amazing patina, and I can see it stuffed full of pumpkins and mums on someone’s front porch . . . maybe  mine!


The original green paint still shows in parts, which is like extra brownie points! I really am tempted to keep it myself, but I know it would be a super-quick seller up at the shop too.  I may think on it a few days . . .

Well, off to rest for a few more minutes before school pick-up time.  I would love to see what great treasures anyone else has found recently!

Running vs. Painting | lose the ordinary. find the unique.

Wednesday 18th of December 2013

[…] marathon (only 13.1 miles compared to 26.2).  I took some time “off” after running my first full marathon in October, but I was ready to have a challenge again.  So my training for this race is a little […]