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Artissimo Sideboard

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My husband is finally back from his looooong international trip, so we are all celebrating here! I had one major project I wanted to do while he was gone, and with my mother-in-law’s babysitting help I was able to knock it out last weekend.  I found this great vintage Basset sideboard at an estate sale around the corner from me about a month ago.


It is a really solid piece and overall in good condition, but that honey-colored wood is just . . . ughh.  I was lacking in inspiration for awhile, not sure what direction to take it since it’s a little more mid-century-modern than what I usually work on.  So, I posted a picture of it on my Facebook page asking for ideas, and got a ton of feeback.  It was a fun process, great to see everyone else’s creative styles come out.  All of that discussion got my creative juices flowing, and I decided it needed to be dark and sleek.  I have been wanting to try Miss Mustard Seed Artissimo milk paint, and this looked liked the perfect project.

Another byproduct of that Facebook post was that a friend and local blog follower decided this was the perfect piece for her entryway! So, it quickly turned into a custom project, and after some deliberating, she decided the dark blue Artissimo was the way to go also.

I don’t have any in process pictures because my hubby had the camera on his trip, I hope the afters suffice.  I did do some light sanding to help the milk paint stick, but other than that, there was no real prep.


The color turned out just as fabulous and I imagined it would . . . The sanding helped the milk paint to stick overall, except for that one door.  But that’s what you get with milk paint! And I think it adds a unique and custom touch–no piece will ever look the same.


The deep color highlights the brass hardware well.



The detail on the legs stands out better now.



One of the great things about milk paint is the depth and texture it adds because the color isn’t flat throughout.



My friend comes to pick it up tomorrow evening, and I hope she loves it as much as I do.

Linking up to Not Just a Housewife


Domestically Speaking Power of Paint Party


Savvy Southern Style Wow us Wednesdays

and Miss Mustard Seed FFF



Melissa Nolan

Saturday 4th of July 2015

Gorgeous! I have a buffet I was thinking about doing in Artissmo and this just confirmed it. Beautiful job. Love it!!

Artissimo I Love You - Petticoat Junktion

Friday 3rd of January 2014

[…] Lost & Found […]

Top Posts 2013 | lose the ordinary. find the unique.

Monday 30th of December 2013

[…] and #5. Artissimo Sideboard […]


Saturday 7th of December 2013

You brought this piece back to life with Artissmo. I love the color and the finish. The hardware really stands out now. Thanks for sharing at Silver Pennies Sundays. x


Monday 2nd of December 2013

Thank you Robin for stopping by! Milk paint is alot of fun, but is a more difficult medium to use than chalk paint. I recently wrote a post titled "Milk Paint vs Chalk Paint, My Take" where I share my experiences with both. It may offer some helpful thoughts if you would like to check it out. Thanks again!