DIY Rustic Wood Slice Sign Tutorial

Lost & Found Decor

A step by step tutorial for an easy wood slice sign!  A fun craft idea to make a sign for your entryway (or anywhere in your home).

Materials Needed for this DIY Wood Slice Sign:

1. A Tree Branch 2. Wood Glue 3. Metal Corrugated Fasteners  4. Mitre Saw and Hand Saw 5. Chip Board Word 6. Small Screw Eye Hooks 7. Jute Twine 8. Paint

Slice the Bark

Slice up the branch into roughly 1/4 inch thick pieces.



Once I got the slices into the shape I liked, I checked to make sure my chip board word would fit nicely.


Mark each Slice

Flip over each wood slice and make a mark with a pen or marker at the point where each slice meets another. Stick your metal fastener at those points.


Join the pieces

I added some wood glue to the other slice as well, and then joined the two pieces together by sliding the fastener into the slit on the “partner” wood slice.


Paint the Sign

I painted my “welcome” chip board word! I also oiled up the wood slices with a little Hemp Oil to bring out their shine.