Finding Fall Link Party

Sharing is caring!

It hasn’t happened yet, but it won’t be much longer . . . The moment my heart jumps for joy! It’s when I show up at the grocery store and see the rows upon rows of mums for sale outside the front doors.


Even though it may still be in the 90’s, when the mums show up outside Kroger, it means fall is just around the corner.

I love the coming of fall, don’t you?  After the long, crazy hot summer days, fall feels so refreshing.  It’s the time when we can finally venture outside again and play in the yard, the time when I get to add fresh color into our landscape,


and the time when flea markets boom again in Texas.


So today in honor of the coming fall, I have a real treat for you!  I am teaming up with 8 very talented bloggers to host the Finding Fall Link Party.



Link-up any of your fall-themed posts and each hostess will be picking her favorite to showcase next week.

The link-up will close at midnight this Thursday, so be sure to link up in time so you have the chance to be featured.

Also, please include in your post a link-back to THIS post–that’s good linky manners 🙂

I am so excited to see everyone’s creative ideas!



April R @Uncookie Cutter

Tuesday 15th of September 2015

I missed it! Shoot! When does the party normally run? I'd love to come back!


Tuesday 15th of September 2015

Haha, thank you for wanting to link up April! Yes, it was just a one-time Fall themed party. If I host more though I will certainly let you know.


Monday 14th of September 2015

Oh no, I arrived too late to the party! Maybe by next week I'll have a project done and be more punctual.

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